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Flexible ERP - ECOUNT

Customize Menus, Reports, and Features to Your Needs

Web-based ERP
All Features, Unlimited Users
Only $55/month

Sales, Purchasing, Inventory, Production, Accounting, Payroll, e-Approval

Real-time Reporting and Easy Customization

  • Real-time reporting

    Real-time reporting

    Any entered data are immediately reflected on real-time reports.
    Check each current status in real-time.

    See in detail
  • Customize menus to your taste!

    Customize menus to your taste!

    Menus can be easily re-configured
    for your use.
    Select and use only the menus you need.

    See in detail

More than 80,000 enterprises throughout all industries
are already using ECOUNT.

More than 80,000 enterprises throughout all industries are already using ECOUNT.
See in detail


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All features of ECOUNT ERP

All features of ECOUNT ERP
ECOUNT ERP pricing policy